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  1. Miss Lydia

    My ducks having babies! Help!!

    Okay we need pics of this sweet family swimming.
  2. Miss Lydia

    My ducks having babies! Help!!

    I'd try and candle. no sense in mama spending time on eggs that aren't going to hatch when she could be out with her ducklings.
  3. Miss Lydia

    My ducks having babies! Help!!

    Do you think these eggs will hatch?
  4. Miss Lydia

    My ducks having babies! Help!!

    Adorable How many total? Congratulation!!!
  5. Miss Lydia

    My ducks having babies! Help!!

    Don't forget to post pics , we thrive on them.
  6. Miss Lydia

    My ducks having babies! Help!!

    They might so better not to risk it. and duck starter or chick crumble or an all flock all in crumble for ducklings and mama.
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