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  1. Wyandottes7

    2 weeks old baby chicks not keeping their balance and too weak to stand on their feet

    The polyvisol vitamins can probably just be found at your local grocery store. I've never had to purchase them myself, so I'm not 100% sure, but you can definitely try there. As for probiotics and electrolytes, you should be able to find these at your feed store. Save-a-Chick is a common type of...
  2. Wyandottes7

    2 weeks old baby chicks not keeping their balance and too weak to stand on their feet

    They might have a vitamin deficiency. Get some infant polyvisol vitamins (without iron), and start giving each of them 1-2 drops each day. See if this helps. Vitamin B and E deficiencies can cause inability to walk/stand, as well as some paralysis. Continue making sure that they are getting...
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