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  1. mejumpmore1

    Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

    Looks like dry fowl pox to me. Most of the pics on here have been of wet or wet and dry combo infections. I've had the majority of my flock get dry fowl pox and it looks just like that. Just watch it carefully and keep her separated from the rest to avoid further infection.
  2. mejumpmore1

    Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

    That's great news! Hope they all get over it quickly and it remains dry. This has been quite a challenge with wet pox..especially for this newbie chicken keeper. Sheesh. Talk about trial by fire!
  3. mejumpmore1

    Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

    Just wanted to check in and see how everyone's chickies are doing. I have an update from my flock: Ethel, the initial bad case has made a full recovery!! PRAISE!!! Lucy, Ethel's bestie, she's the only member of the flock to have developed pus in her eyes is well on her way to recovery...
  4. mejumpmore1

    Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

    That might be interesting! LOL I would love to see the looks I got from other postal customers when they see me pull a chicken out and set her on the scale.
  5. mejumpmore1

    Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

    what kind of scale do you use to weigh them? All I have is a standard dial scale...I'm thinking that won't cut it.
  6. mejumpmore1

    Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

    I sure hope so. I stay home with my son and homeschool so I have the ability to keep close watch on her, thankfully. My worry is that if something were to happen to either Lucy or Ethel that the survivor may not last long. They are so attached to each other. When I allow them and the other...
  7. mejumpmore1

    Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

    Yes, the eye is still there and intact. She's maybe just a little photo sensitive right now? I'm not really sure. She did open her eye for me and all looks good at this time...she's still only a few days into getting these growths in her eye though. I'm sure we have a bit of an uphill battle...
  8. mejumpmore1

    Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

    Here is my Lucy. She's taking it easy. She's been resting and when I went out to take her picture she refused to open her left eye. However, after taking pictures I picked her up and spoke softly to her and she did manage to get her eye open on her own. Her best buddy, Ethel is on the back...
  9. mejumpmore1

    Wet and Dry Fowl Pox - Graphic Pictures of Pus and Scabs

    Kathy, How are you removing the pus from the eyes? With just a qtip? Day before yesterday, I noticed that one of my BA pullets, Lucy, had some pus in her left eye, it was sort of dangling off her upper lid. I was able to remove it thank goodness but it did not want to come easily. This...
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