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  1. lahessler

    what chicken is laying?

    Someone on this thread mentioned the hen with the reddest comb was ovulating. Does that work for all types of hens? My girls dont change color. My older #1's comb has faded to a pinkish color and it has fallen over. My other #2's comb was fire engine red before they started laying eggs it has...
  2. lahessler

    what chicken is laying?

    I think she is a little physco be honest. They were both very affectionate when they were fluffy chicks even when they were fully feathered before laying eggs. I call them Thing 1 and Thing 2 after the Dr Seuss characters. I won #1 at a carnival and bought #2 the following week. They both liked...
  3. lahessler

    what chicken is laying?

    I can tell which one of my girls lay eygs by their reaction to me. The younger of the 2 puts her foot up on the pen and makes a big deal with all kinds of noise. The older one looks at the egg walks back to the front of the pen and cocks her head sidways. Like ok I did it come pet me and move...
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