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  1. crazychick26201

    Chicks Starting to Roost Outside in Colder Weather

    Did that work? I went out the last two nights to check on them and they are on their outdoor roost again. It is snowing and blowing and temps are in the 20's. Last night we put them in the coop and after some shuffling around they settled down. but tonight I waited a bit too long and it was...
  2. crazychick26201

    Chicks Starting to Roost Outside in Colder Weather

    Surely there is a trick to get them back in the coop that we have not thought of. I tried sprinkling mealworms in their bedding, but no go. I put a few sunflower seeds on each rung of their ramp up to the coop but they just went up and ate them and came back down to roost in the run. I do NOT...
  3. crazychick26201

    Chicks Starting to Roost Outside in Colder Weather

    Ok, it's me again. I think I need a chicken therapist, or my chickens do. They have nicely roosted in their coop until this week, when temps in the 20's and 30's at night. NOW they won't roost in the coop but are staying in their enclosed outdoor run where there is a roost. WHY?????? I tried...
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