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  1. B

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Glad to hear it's working out!
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    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Was her mother vaccinated? That can make a difference in the timing Generally though, it can't hurt to do it anyway Quote: Lambs/kids should receive their first CD-T vaccination when they are 6 to 8 weeks old, followed by a booster 2...
  3. B

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Quote: She may have White Muscle Disease Quote: Quote:
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    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Quote: The site I linked to can tell you most of what you need to know about goats Controlling Goat Parasites:
  5. B

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Here's a good site with lots of goat info: Quote: You'll need to do your fencing and shelter soon since having him in the house will get old in a hurry. I imagnine the man you got him from has a banding tool for castrating
  6. B

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Give him Goat's milk as long as you can, then switch to Cow's milk Milk "replacers:" don't give good results There is lots of info available about how to care for goats, so it won't be hard to figure out It will just be TIME consuming at first
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