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  1. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    That's true! She's bouncing off the walls tonight after that steroid shot has actually freaked out my dog (who is three times her size) so bad that she won't go anywhere near her! Lol I hope all of you guys have a great Thanksgiving!
  2. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    We had a vet appt this morning. I have good news and bad news.... Good news there isn't anything wrong with her actual legs. Bad news after extensive X-rays we found that she has some hair line fractures in the right side of her pelvic bone. Goats pelvic bones should form a square hers doesn't...
  3. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Rofl Sue! She's addicted to the Disney channel as that's all that plays here I swear! Have an appointment Wednesday to get her a full check up. She's growing really well which is actually not the greatest thing as more weight to pack on that lame leg but good as in she's healthly besides the...
  4. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    She's smiling for the camera! Yes people it's a sweater wearing house
  5. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Hey gigiok! I've tried giving her some Alfalfa but she just looks at it then looks at me like what's this crap bring my bottle now! Sigh. It would help if number 1) I knew squat about goats and number 2) if she thought she was a goat! Lol The vet said not to wrap her legs as we are trying to...
  6. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Sorry Chooks we had a little bit of tornado damage so I've been dealing with that and not online much. I'm takingCocoa back to the vet on Monday not happy with this rear right leg right now and we aren't making as much progress as the left....not even close! She seems healthy and happy though...
  7. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Thanks guys! Jorey and chooks you guys rock! I've let my five year old take over feedings when she is home from school to give me a bit of a break and to let Cocoa know hey look your "mom" isn't the only one that cares about you. She does tend to treat my two girls as siblings and completely...
  8. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Thanks chooks I'm going to check that out now!
  9. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Sorry been so busy! Cocoa is over her cold and gets her last antibiotic shot today. She feeling much better back to trying to stand and "walk" She is actually taking her rear left leg and trying to scratch her ear so that's improvement! She weak in her rear right leg and hip though is is finally...
  10. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Cocoas cold is almost gone at this point no congestion now just a little sneezing and a little coughing. Going to finish up the antibiotic and back on the steroid. She is starting to try to walk on her own again so we are back to the stretches. She's gained some weight which is good too!
  11. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Chooks you don't happen to have a picture of the contraption you built do you??
  12. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Cocoa seems to feeling better this AM! Before going to bed when I started hooking up the humidifier my husband was like are you serious?!?? Yes sir I so was! We are giving Her stretches a break and just doing them lightly so we don't go backwards on her muscle development but don't want to get...
  13. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Fly I appreciate your concern
  14. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Thanks Jorey I really needed that day! Big hugs! If sheer force of will can keep a goat alive then she should outlive me! Will update you guys again tomorrow.... I'm beat and the kids Cocoa and I are watching a movie then headed to bed!
  15. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Anyways took Cocoa to the vet and she has a cold. Dose of antibiotics for next five days to make sure it doesn't get worse. Bought a old time rubber hot water bottle for her which she is loving. Getting lots of cuddles and her own pile of crumpled paper and toilet paper rolls to entertain her...
  16. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Ok guys sorry I've been MIA Cocoa seems to have caught a cold over the weekend that has gotten done worse so back to the vet we go this afternoon. Temp is 102.3 so no fever but is sneezing and congested sounding. Hasn't felt good this weekend so no more steps since the first ones. :( I'm feeling...
  17. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Ps I'm going to have to come visit you to dig through your dump!!!! Rofl
  18. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Thanks chooks! I believe your probably more awesome than I am! Lol my granddad (great granddad actually who is 97 and blind) came up with some not as fancy but it works. Do you know those long handled grabbers that elderly people use to pick stuff up off the floor so they don't have to bend...
  19. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Please pay no attention to this god awful carpet!!! Ugh it's being replaced ASAP but here's Cocoa tonight after her bottle and ready for bed....
  20. kentuckychicks

    SOS have a hurt baby goat!!!

    Yes it does for sure !!! My kids are little enough that when I jumped up and started singing and dancing they thought it was a game! Even the dog got in on the action! I know that we have a loooonnngggg way to go still but I will take these little milestones for sure! Poor little Cocoa is so...
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