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  1. GaryDean26

    Is there a downside to putting a light in the coop for the winter months?

    One person did. :-) Quote: I kept chickens in northern Utah for 4-5 years and never used lights. I closed the chicken run so they couldn't go out in the winter and then put opaque plastic over the whole coop making it like a like a green house to keep the wind out and warmth from the...
  2. GaryDean26

    Is there a downside to putting a light in the coop for the winter months?

    If you have them for eggs only then the light sounds like what you need (I would also try increasing the protein in the diet during molts). It takes 3 weeks after light is added for the hormones of the hen to change from not laying eggs to bring them back into production so the sooner you start...
  3. GaryDean26

    Is there a downside to putting a light in the coop for the winter months?

    One of my ecclesiastical leaders used an analogy on artificial light in production flocks about 2 years ago that really got my attention. He had studied this in depth (Phd thesis type depth). He said that researcher have found that laying around the clock all year long fatigues hen and they...
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