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  1. KitaMick1

    Is my pullet an Ameracuana or EE?

    Thank you everyone! This community of chicken friends has made me feel more than welcome! Nice to know y'all think I gorgeous and well colored EE.
  2. KitaMick1

    Is my pullet an Ameracuana or EE?

    Thank you everyone for the info you've shared. And especially the compliments on how beautiful she is.
  3. KitaMick1

    Is my pullet an Ameracuana or EE?

    Here are another three more close up of my EE or Ameracuana.
  4. KitaMick1

    Is my pullet an Ameracuana or EE?

    Wowza! Thank you everyone for posting a reply! In the morn, I'll check her leg/foot color and let ya know. Now, I'm more than curious.:-) I named this girl Alley just because she was a little "alley" as a youngster. Another reason though, I raised a Buff Orpington together, same age, I call them...
  5. KitaMick1

    Is my pullet an Ameracuana or EE?

    I'm new in the chicken world, so please bear with me with this somewhat stupid question? I'm with great confidence, you will know the right answer. This pullet I purchased as a day old Ameracuana and has really gone through several color changes. But I'm wondering if she is an EE? So, with all...
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