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  1. bobbi-j

    What to do about puppy...

    It's one of the least expensive options for fencing in my opinion. As I said, you can always turn the charger off when the kids are outside. The shock itself is more startling than painful. Oh it hurts some, and I've been knocked on my butt by our horse fence, but it doesn't last long. Honestly...
  2. bobbi-j

    What to do about puppy...

    How old are your kids? They, too, can be taught to leave the wire alone. (Until they get older and start "experimenting and re-learn not to touch it! I'm all for natural consequences...) We live on a farm and had electric fence along one whole side of the yard that they played in. Even if they...
  3. bobbi-j

    What to do about puppy...

    The hotwire is a good place to start, but is not the whole solution. She needs training, training and more training. Think about what a dog sees when it sees a chicken. Something that runs. flaps and makes funny noises. What untrained dog (especially a puppy!) can resist that? Without working...
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