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  1. BantamLover21

    First one, now two (within several months) chickens having leg problems. What is wrong?

    The 1st cockerel just died. He stopped eating on his own yesterday, but I was still able to get him to eat something, and he was drinking plenty. And he did seem to be breathing better today after a day or two on antibiotics. But I guess he wasn't meant to live. RIP little Cockleburr.
  2. BantamLover21

    First one, now two (within several months) chickens having leg problems. What is wrong?

    Another update: Well, some good and bad news, and some possibly-soon-to-be bad news. Cockerel #2 has not improved at all, and remains hobbled on his hocks. He eats and drinks great, but I'm almost positive that he has Marek's and will probably find a way to cull him soon. Cockerel #1 has...
  3. BantamLover21

    First one, now two (within several months) chickens having leg problems. What is wrong?

    Update: Well, I think that confinement to a small area and extra care is doing cockerel #1 good. He's perked up almost completely, and is walking better and better. His bad leg is now strong enough for him to stand on it while scratching his head with the other foot, and he isn't very clumsy...
  4. BantamLover21

    First one, now two (within several months) chickens having leg problems. What is wrong?

    The temperature is about 70-75 degrees inside, so no, he doesn't really need the heat lamp. He seemed cold though, so I kept the lamp on him until tonight, when I turned it off. He's acting a little better, eating, drinking, and standing up. Seems happier too. His droppings seem normal, other...
  5. BantamLover21

    First one, now two (within several months) chickens having leg problems. What is wrong?

    Update: Well, the first cockerel with the injured leg isn't doing too well. He's been growing weaker and weaker because he isn't able to walk much to get feed and water. He also had mites, which I treated. Today, he could barely stand, so I brought him inside. He is now in a small cage, with a...
  6. BantamLover21

    First one, now two (within several months) chickens having leg problems. What is wrong?

    In early October, one of my birds, an 8 month old Dutch Bantam cockerel, turned up with a bad leg. Instead of walking flat, the toes on one foot were curled so that he walked on top of the toes. It didn't seem to hurt him; at first, the toes seemed kind of paralyzed. Suspecting Marek's Disease...
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