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  1. PoultryPedia

    First one, now two (within several months) chickens having leg problems. What is wrong?

    Sending you condolences on your loss of little Cockleburr. So hard to lose ones you care for.
  2. PoultryPedia

    First one, now two (within several months) chickens having leg problems. What is wrong?

    Gout can cause shortness of breath & breathing difficulty, along with pain in joints of the foot, legs & elsewhere. An overly high-protein diet and/or excessive use of antibiotics can contribute to the development of gout. It doesn't really sound like either of your roosters have gout, but I...
  3. PoultryPedia

    First one, now two (within several months) chickens having leg problems. What is wrong?

    I would check to see if either roo has had one of their Achilles tendons slip out of place in the hock joint. There is info on this & other leg problems on the Poultry Podiatry page on the site linked in my sig. I hope you can find the right treatments.
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