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  1. chickonaroost

    Can't they all just get along??

    He is loving the fresh eggs and homemade egg noodles... He is a good sport, built me a darling coop with all the fixin's, even woke at 2am, ran outside in his undies, and helped me get rid of a coon that dug under the coop and tried to get in. I wish I had a camera handy!! Proud mom of 2...
  2. chickonaroost

    Can't they all just get along??

    So more patience is required. OK, I just feel bad for the 'lil gals. No feathers are missing and no blood (thank heavens) so such is life, I guess. I'm new to this site. I'm glad to see there are others as nuts over chickens as I am. I'll have to tell my husband that I'm normal after all. He...
  3. chickonaroost

    Can't they all just get along??

    I have recently expanded my flock of 4hens and 1roo, to include 5 more chicks. I had them in the same coop, separated by a metal wire wall for 6 wks. I gradually socialised them, letting them roost together at night while calm. The chicks have grown, are feathered out and I thought ready for...
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