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  1. TTracy

    18mo old chicken has swollen cheek, makes honking sounds (pic/video included)

    Before you start her on any antibiotics, how is she acting? Is she still eating, pooping, active? Have you noticed any changes in her behavior? Any discharge from her nostrils or eyes? How about your other girls? Any changes with them? Has the swelling gotten larger on her cheek? If you do...
  2. TTracy

    18mo old chicken has swollen cheek, makes honking sounds (pic/video included)

    You can give her some scrambled egg with pedi lyte mixed in, add some vitamins to their water if you don't already. Read this forum, it has alot of good info!!!
  3. TTracy

    18mo old chicken has swollen cheek, makes honking sounds (pic/video included)

    If she were one of my hens I would go ahead and treat for a respiratory infection. Do I know thats what she has for sure? No, but with her honking sneezes and swelling around her sinus', I figure it couldnt hurt. Hopefully someone who has had experience with this sort of symptom will be able to...
  4. TTracy

    18mo old chicken has swollen cheek, makes honking sounds (pic/video included)

    Have you checked inside her mouth for something possibly stuck or even a sliver in her cheek?
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