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  1. bcmama

    Molting and Cold Temperatures

    No shivering. They spend most of the day up in the hen house currently and now with the light it seems much better. Here's hoping that their feathers come in quickly so they are comfortable throughout the winter. Where we live we typically haven't gotten snow and cold this early so I think...
  2. bcmama

    Molting and Cold Temperatures

    I don't think it is a protein deficiency. They are on 22% protein feed and its a high quality local feed. I have also been supplementing with a peanut butter, oatmeal, scratch suet cake, one a week along with lots of fresh veggies. All of the birds that are molting have pin feathers coming...
  3. bcmama

    Molting and Cold Temperatures

    My girls are molting right now and we are having very cold temperatures, teens and twenties. It is approx. one year since they starting laying and I wasn't supplementing with any extra light so I know that triggered it, but I just went out to change out their water and noticed that one of my...
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