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  1. bobbi-j

    Cold temperatures

    Honestly, I would say your whole coop is too small... Recommended minimum coop space is 4 sq. feet of floor space per bird, and recommended minimum run space is 10 sq. feet per bird.
  2. bobbi-j

    Cold temperatures

    Roost space would be 1 foot of length per bird. So if you have 5 chickens, your roost should be a minimum of 5 feet long.
  3. bobbi-j

    Cold temperatures

    This could be part of the problem. That coop doesn't look big enough for 5 full-grown chickens. You don't want your chickens getting in the habit of sleeping in the nest boxes. That will result in dirty, poop covered eggs. Recommended roost space is 1 ft. per bird, recommended coop space is 4...
  4. bobbi-j

    Cold temperatures

    Could be the heat lamp is too warm for them. Could be a pecking order issue. Could be a space thing. As was asked in your post in another thread, how big is your coop in feet by feet?
  5. bobbi-j

    Cold temperatures

    Honestly, unless you have a BUNCH of them, I don't think they'd put off that much heat to make enough of a difference. Maybe.... I guess you won't know until you try it. Of course, when I think "coop", I think of my coops. The one they're in this winter is an 8x16' shed, with an 8' roof. It...
  6. bobbi-j

    Cold temperatures

    The concern I would have is the humidity that would be given off when the water is cooling down. If it's a dry cold, it's far better for them to deal with the temperatures, than humidity and cold.
  7. bobbi-j

    Cold temperatures

    If they are dry and out of the wind, they will be fine without supplemental heat. It's -15 right now where I live, and my chickens are doing great. It was -20 at 8 am. Do you have songbirds where you live? I do. They're out and about, eating from the feeders, drinking from the heated waterer...
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