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  1. ChickenBurn

    Head balded and pecked to skull. How do I treat??

    How old are these chicks? At some point they start establishing pecking order, which is called that for a reason. Since the chicks are separate from the rest of the flock, they are forming their own flock. They may be duking it out here and there, but like I said, if blood is drawn then it's...
  2. ChickenBurn

    Head balded and pecked to skull. How do I treat??

    Be sure any old blood has been cleaned off of her. Chickens go a little murderous when they see blood, whether they were the original cause or not. Something else to be aware of: if she's roaming with an open wound you'll possibly need to clean it again. Don't want anything worse to happen to...
  3. ChickenBurn

    Head balded and pecked to skull. How do I treat??

    Good luck! My lady made a full recovery! A week after she reintegrated fully with the flock, she got messed up again. We repurposed her a couple days later. First chicken to own, first fresh eggs, first repurpose! I was not involved in the process for this one. Maybe next time, I dunno... Was...
  4. ChickenBurn

    Head balded and pecked to skull. How do I treat??

    Lucy is healing very nicely! It's been almost 3 weeks since we intervened and began treating her. The first sign of healing was her comb's little scabs falling away and revealing fresh, new, pretty comb underneath. Her feathers are still coming back in and her scalp might be a bit mis-formed for...
  5. ChickenBurn

    Head balded and pecked to skull. How do I treat??

    Is twice a day (once in the morning, once at night) enough Neosporin applications? Is once a day enough?
  6. ChickenBurn

    Head balded and pecked to skull. How do I treat??

    Lucy is being kept inside. Once the wound closes up, we'll move her to a sectioned-off area in the coop so that everyone can begin to re-acclimate to each other. Yesterday, I washed her with warm water and peroxide, then applied gentian violet before big gobs of neosporin. She shook her head...
  7. ChickenBurn

    Head balded and pecked to skull. How do I treat??

    Thanks, @flockwatcher , for the tips! I checked her out a few minutes ago. She was thirsty and hungry. She ate the grapes I brought her as a treat. She is carrying herself as if she's not injured at all! Her wound looks like it's trying to repair itself, with a layer of mushy stuff. I'm going...
  8. ChickenBurn

    Head balded and pecked to skull. How do I treat??

    Long story short, my beautiful 1-year-old RIR has encountered quite a serious problem with my newly matured Dominique rooster. All of the feathers on the top of her head have been pecked out and so, now, has a nickel-sized chunk of her scalp. It's bare to her skull. HOW DO I TREAT IT? DOES SHE...
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