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  1. Eggcessive

    Head balded and pecked to skull. How do I treat??

    Once a day is probably enough since it has a vaseline base, but twice a day won't hurt. With some chickens it is hard to catch them. When I have used eye ointments, I usually apply those twice a day. Actually after my hen was injured, I stopped the neosporin, and just used the BluKote after...
  2. Eggcessive

    Head balded and pecked to skull. How do I treat??

    Don't clean it anymore, just reapply the neosporin. She doesn't need the gentian vilet or BluKote until she is out with the other chickens again. The neosporin will do the job. Cleaning with peroxide and betadine will tend to keep it from healing. you want a scab to form over top of it.
  3. Eggcessive

    Head balded and pecked to skull. How do I treat??

    Yes, my chickens would all roost on top of the cage for the night, and you know what that means down below, LOL. I re-purpose empty feed bags for things like that, then throw them in my burn pile.
  4. Eggcessive

    Head balded and pecked to skull. How do I treat??

    My Polish hen has had this happen to her about once a year, and this year she just recovered from being attacked by a young rooster. The first day or 2 I treated with Neosporin ointment, then I use BluKote which contains gentian violet and alcohol. After 2 weeks the leathery 1/2 dollar-sized...
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