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  1. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    We had a dry year last year. We are now getting tons of rain. I'm finding out that they feel the same way about water that they do about snow. Takes them the same amount of time to get used to it.
  2. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    I haven't got a kiddie pool yet, I'll keep an eye out for a deeper one. Still a good idea!
  3. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    Me too, they just turn their backs to me and squawk.
  4. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    We've been having really warm weather, up to 78 degrees the other day, which is really weird. So last night it got down to 21 degrees and we woke up to about 1.5" of snow. The chickens, who previously were wandering out in the snow have decided they're not even going to leave the coop. Not even...
  5. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    I like the peat moss/sand pool. What a great idea!
  6. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    What I would do: If it's in a confined area, yes worry. If it's out in the open, like in an outside run that is muddy/flooded, then the sunshine and constant use will take care of any mold issues. The chickens aren't confined with the mold in an enclosed area, there's plenty of fresh air. Just...
  7. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    Same here. Straw in this case, from under the chicken house where I shoveled it 6 months ago. The poop has disintegrated by then and it recycles the straw. Gives them something fun to scratch for.
  8. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    That's awesome!
  9. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    Mine finally waded out in the deep stuff, but one of them wasn't content. She found a small group of bent over twigs and tried balancing on that, wings flapping. "Not touching the white stuff. Not touching the white stuff. Not touching the white stuff."
  10. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    I wanted to get diapers, my husband laughed at me. There was one pullet who would fly out of her box and sit on my shoulder while I was on the computer. I took her to a yard sale in the city at my sister's house in the hopes that someone would see a chicken on a leash and stop to look at the...
  11. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    Too funny! I kept mine inside for the first 6 weeks - er 10 weeks. The hen house wasn't finished yet. When they started roaming, they would run the 100' to our deck and come peek in the glass doors wanting back in. They were also pretty interested in the cat food on the deck. It got so bad that...
  12. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    5 more inches since my tracks in the snow pic and still falling heavy. Bet they don't go out tomorrow!
  13. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    I found proof!!!!
  14. Searsmom

    Chickens who HATE snow?

    My chickens used to refuse to even think about going out in the snow, but being avid foragers, after about 5 days they got cabin fever and left tracks in the snow all over the place. They don't let me see them doing it though.
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