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  1. ChickMami

    Question for those of you w/chicken tractors...

    Wow! Thanks for the awesome detailed replies! You've given me lots of food for thought! I'm checking this from my phone so I'm going to come back and re read and look at the images better on the laptop in a bit.
  2. ChickMami

    Question for those of you w/chicken tractors...

    Thanks for your input :) I could most definitely handle that !
  3. ChickMami

    Question for those of you w/chicken tractors...

    Why was it so heavy? I would think one that size would be easy to move....were the wheels small on it?
  4. ChickMami

    Question for those of you w/chicken tractors...

    Thanks! Yeah - I'm not a total stickler about the grass, but I'd like to reasonably maintain it. I totally could deal w/moving it frequently if I can manage to make one that is movable in terms of weight :/ I'm afraid that w/the size I'd like (big) I won't be able to construct one that I can...
  5. ChickMami

    Question for those of you w/chicken tractors...

    How frequently will I need to move the tractor in order to keep my grass alive? And will allowing them to free range cause it to die in places? I really am wondering......I plan to get 4 hens to start and haven't pinned down the size of the tractor as of yet...Any and all input is appreciated :)
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