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  1. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    Oh wow, so many posts to catch up on! Haha. Thanks for all of the tips, guys! We're going to wait to introduce them without a barrier, because we've just got the two girls and also don't want to have to go through it all a second time when we get more (satay, I will PM you after this!). We were...
  2. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    Hey guys! So sorry I haven't been able to get on as much recently, we won't have the internet connected at our new place for another two weeks apparently. Yes - the duck that had been standing closest to the bowl on the far left was Reece/'Rose', the shelter duck. He went back to the shelter...
  3. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    Haha, well turns out he loves his cuddles! I never really even used to pick him up very much, but he's taken to jumping into my lap multiples times every day since that video was filmed to settle down in my lap He'll be super excited and nibble my clothes all over, but when he calms down, he...
  4. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    Some videos, sorry if they're bad quality - I had to just grab the Instagram link as my USB cable is currently missing and Bluetooth takes *forever* to transfer videos. So it's in two parts since Instagram has a 15 second time limit. Basically I was sitting next to Whistles' pool, and he came...
  5. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    I'm about 98% sure it's a drake, even though the file has been updated to say 'female' he's being kept with the one other drake they have waiting for adoption and the girls are in a separate run. So I think the file update must have been a mistake, since it's even being treated as a drake by...
  6. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    I'll definitely keep this in mind for our hen, she's on antibiotics right now and also has her foot wrapped. :) Thanks! The red on Whistles feet has disappeared too, but we haven't been letting him walk on anything hard besides the ground around the coop, he gets carried everywhere else he's...
  7. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    Yep, my Dad used to tell me stories of how they'd prank other kids by putting Epsom salts in the drinking taps at school haha.
  8. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    I'm not sure, I didn't even get a chance to ask the vet when we took our worst hen in because he was flat out busy (he's also a wildlife vet and he'd had several emergency native animals rushed in). I had to leave her there in the morning and then come back after my class and he came running out...
  9. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    I think it's like an antibacterial dip/bath - it comes in a crystallised form that you dissolve with distilled water to make a solution that you then dip the fish (or, bird feet, in this case) in. I would think that surely there must be some equivalent of it here, but neither of the places I...
  10. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    Help! Is anyone able to purchase TricideNeo and then send it to me? I will reimburse you for all costs! Neither my city's specialist marine pet store, nor an interstate Koi specialist store have ever heard of it, and the few sites that I can find it listed don't ship to Australia.
  11. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    Okay so I've had a bit of a look around and from what I can gather, a TricideNeo soak works really well for non-invasive bumblefoot treatment if it's not a too-serious case - it's even used sometimes by vets at a raptor rehabilitation facility! So I think I might look into doing that.
  12. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    He ate today. :) He is extremely attached to me though, so I really cannot wait until we can get set up at the other place and give him his girls! The only thing though is that what I thought was our dam has actually turned out to be on the next property over, so we'll have to build him a pond...
  13. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    Quick update, we've moved Whistles out to the chicken coops at night - we have two, one main one and another slightly smaller one that was used for the newer/younger chickens. Since we can put all of our chickens together now, Whistles can use it to sleep outside - with so many house inspections...
  14. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    He's mostly white, but he does have some grey speckling here and there, it's mostly just his head that has the grey so condensed - particuarly along the back of his head/his crest. :) And he used to have a grey 'stripe' of colour across his back, behind his wings. Like...his down? But that's...
  15. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    Thanks for the tips, guys. :) Bit more face mask development:
  16. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    Isn't she stunning? :) As soon as I saw her, I gasped and knew we had to try to take her home. I would be really happy if our entire flock of Scovies were rescues, but we don't get too many females's mainly the males that I've found are the ones that get themselves into trouble...
  17. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    Haha, oh yeah! This was from a couple of weeks ago: He's a big boy! :) Also, I've lined up Whistles' first girlfriend! Kinda. She's a Muscovy hybrid, I volunteer at a wildlife hospital/pet shelter and she came in last night with someone saying she had a hook with fishing line stuck in her...
  18. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    Oh good. :) I have no doubt! I can already spend ages watching our chickens antics, they can be such silly creatures. ^_^ Some new photos!
  19. SampyArctica

    Sickly duck at local produce store...

    A week?! Oh wow, they really are much more flexible than chickens! Was it so quick because they were a bit younger, or would that also happen with all other aged ducks? Sorry to hear about the loss though. :( I'm really looking forward to getting Whistles his girls, his own little flock to look...
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