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  1. kdtcameron

    Impacted Crop Surgery (with video)

    Thank you! She's such a sweet hen. All hens are not created equally when it comes to personality! My vet is amazing! I won't say how much it cost, but I will say it was not much - very little with all things considered. She was just as excited to have the opportunity to do the procedure...
  2. kdtcameron

    Impacted Crop Surgery (with video)

    The vet handed me permeasured syringes to take home and I didn't check the dose. It was probably only a cc or so, but I can't say for sure. She stayed in the house and got one dose a day, in the thigh, for a week. Soft foods only. She's doing great now... and has even moved up in the pecking...
  3. kdtcameron

    Impacted Crop Surgery (with video)

    We only had to pluck a few feathers from the area. She had recently gone broody and was already bald-ish there. The vet just plucked the rest. Plus the outer feathers covered the bald area so she and the others left it alone.
  4. kdtcameron

    Impacted Crop Surgery (with video)

    Cool. Thanks for the apron tips pwand. I can handle that.
  5. kdtcameron

    Impacted Crop Surgery (with video)

    I will attempt to answer the questions that I am able to, but as I am not the vet and would not have been comfortable performing this myself, I did not get too many specifics on procedural execution. The incision site was about 1" - 1-1/2" opening. She made the initial cut directly on the...
  6. kdtcameron

    Impacted Crop Surgery (with video)

    Thanks, as you can tell from the video, we were all amazed too. The vet used lidocaine to numb the incision area, which stings at first, but helped a lot. Poor thing fell asleep a few times during the procedure... probably from relaxing and also from fatigue from trying survive the impaction...
  7. kdtcameron

    Impacted Crop Surgery (with video)

    We discovered our favorite little bantam hen, Gidget was wasting away due to an impacted crop. I have been nursing her for the past few days, trying a number of the solutions I have read throughout the forums. Once I realized that no real progress was going to be made (that would actually save...
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