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    10wk(ish) Easter Egger treating younger chicks like she's mom?

    Thanks for the advice! They have about 25sqft of floor space & the pen is about 3ft deep... I'm adding a couple tree branches today for the older ones to climb on. I've also kept the heat lamp on one side and that's where they all puddle and sleep. It's so funny because she (Penelope) is huge...

    10wk(ish) Easter Egger treating younger chicks like she's mom?

    New backyard chicken keeper here... I bought 3 Easter Egger's thinking that is all I would get but then I got sucked in quickly during chick week at TSC. I now have a total of 7 babies between 2-4 weeks old and the 3 EE's. One of the EE's immediately started treating the new babies like they...
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