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  1. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I am lucky that I have access to gas anesthetic that I use to cull chicks. Other people use at-home methods that I am sure they will be happy to discuss with you. I don't mean to question your judgement on this issue. You are the only person here who can observe this chick in person. But I would...
  2. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Pretty disappointed in this latest batch. I started with 7 cayuga duck eggs and all 7 made it to lockdown, but only 3 survived. All of the rest died during hatching. They don't appear to have gotten shrink-wrapped, so I'm not sure what happened. They appeared well-formed and healthy, with...
  3. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    3 cayugas hatched and are doing well, 2 got to pip and died, 1 hatched with full yolk sac unabsorbed so I wrapped in a wet washcloth and put it back in the incubator. It seems to be resting and hasn't injured itself further so hopefully he will absorb enough today that I can tie it off. 1 more...
  4. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    About half of my cayugas are pipped but I am concerned. One of them pipped last night, first one, and has been slowly zipping. I have only opened the incubator to spray a little water to keep the humidity up. Now the pipped area has blood coming from it. Not a lot, but the cracks are stained...
  5. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Just locked down with 7 cayuga ducks and 27 dominique chickens.
  6. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    The barnyard mixes went to their new home today, so I am getting ready for the dominiques and the ducks that will hatch this weekend. 7 cayuga ducks, all looking great, and 2.5 dozen doms. How do you guys clean your styrofoam incubators? Since I am hatching eggs from different people I am...
  7. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I kinda started big. My friend had an old redwood cabinet incubator sitting in her barn that she didn't want anymore. I had to clean it up a lot before I ran a test batch, but the thing runs great. Maximum capacity is 18 dozen. Nothing like those big commercial incubators, but a lot more than...
  8. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Now that the five dozen barnyard mixes are out, I just checked on some of the others that will be hatching in a few weeks. Looks like one batch of the game birds in a complete failure. Not a single fertile egg. I am hatching for someone else and I think they got these eggs shipped in. I've never...
  9. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Update on the 5 dozen mixed flock eggs I hatched for someone else. Most are EE and Maran crosses. They all go to their new home tomorrow. Started with almost 7 dozen eggs. Tossed about 2 dozen at the beginning because they were clear, lost one or two on the way to blood rings or failed...
  10. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    It's hatch day for the five dozen barnyard mix eggs. Most are EEs. 42 have hatched so far and are so cute. Out of the rest, only six haven't pipped but it's only day 21! Pics soon.
  11. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Definitely. Same thing happened with my very first hatch. Luckily I have more hatching in a few days so he wont be lonely for long. I have to ask, what kind of chick is that in your user icon? It is adorable!!! I want to squish it. <3
  12. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    My one chick hatched overnight. He still has some pieces of eggshell glued to his wing. I wrapped him in a warm wet paper towel and I'll try to remove them in about half an hour or so. He sure is feisty! Edit: Got the shell off.
  13. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    For my part I feel similarly. Unless I feel that something I did directly contributed to the chick struggling to hatch, I just let nature do it's work. But sometimes it's tough to use the "if it doesn't happen in nature, we don't let it happen in our environment" argument. This is an attitude I...
  14. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    It just pipped the shell. Looks like I wont have to help after all. In my last two hatches I did end up assisting a few eggs, but the eggs I helped were already pipped externally but had made no progress after 24 hours. I suspected that they had become stuck to their membranes because my...
  15. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I have one egg in the process of hatching but I am getting a little worried. This is the only surviving egg from a group of 6. I am hatching them for a friend and they were already 16 days old when I set them. Everything appeared to have been progressing well for this one, but it should have...
  16. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Don't give up. My power went off for nearly three hours once and mine were fine. They weren't even late to hatch. Other people lose power for almost a day and don't lose any.
  17. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Update! Out of the 7 dozen mixed chicken eggs, I tossed about 2 dozen that were not fertile, and one that was an early quitter. I am sad that all but one of the copper maran eggs were duds. But the one that is still developing is literally the biggest chicken egg I have ever seen. Out of the...
  18. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Update for mine: Out of the 6 modern game birds, only one is still developing. I set this one on the 10th. Out of the 7 mystery ducks I set on the 15th all 7 are developing. Out of the 7 dozen mixed chicken eggs I set on the 15th, I have no idea. Most are too dark to candle. lol
  19. Drache

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I will join you! I just set 9 dozen eggs for a friend of mine who can't get her chickens to go broody. This is my second hatch and my first one went very well. The eggs are from a variety of hens, everything from black copper marans to buff orpingtons, to ameraucanas, to sussex, to some...
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