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  1. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Quote: All are doing great. They are eating and drinking, scurrying and doing all sorts of chickie things. No leg problems- I am sort of amazed at that. I did find out how important humidity is during lock down. And it's called a LOCK-DOWN for a reason. Opening that lid, even for a pretty...
  2. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Well I believe I have come to the end of this first incubation hatch. I understand it's siren song and addictive properties~ I originally set 17 eggs. 1 was clear at day 14. On day 20 I got a few pips and 1 Black Amerucana hatched during a bad humidity fluctuation. He was born a little sticky...
  3. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Have a question- Hatch day is going very well. My first to hatch was a little Black Amerucana. He is scrappy looking, perhaps because he looks like egg sac got dried on his haed and he has less than normal feathering on his back. Was this due to shrink wrap? I was VERY patient and did not assist...
  4. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    So far we have 7 out of the incubator and into the brooder. I have one that is struggling with his zip and 2 others that I can see pips on. 6 eggs left kind of just hanging out, but 3 I put in on day 1, so I'll wait a few more days. TODAY is officially day 21 for the first 13.
  5. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    So I have a first hatch- little Black Amerucana. Squawking to beat the band, so I guess that's good. I have 3 other pips that don't seem to be making any progress and the other 12 are just sitting there. I had 10 confirmed moving at lock-down, 6 non-confirmed because of egg color (one of those...
  6. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    I HAVE A PIP! Have been so struggling with the humidity thing. I believe the hygrometer is messed up and programing it is a booger, so I was thinking I might have killed all my chicks. I have 16 eggs with 10 confirmed movement before lock-down. I was again fretting over the humidity, when there...
  7. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Quote: I have had two hens go broody- 1 had wonderful results- the other not so much. Wilma hatched 5 eggs (1 was a dud). She left the nest 2 times, that I saw. She lost tons of weight. When the chicks hatched she took excellent care of them- better than I ever could. She taught them...
  8. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Quote: A friend hatched some Amerucanas for me, one had serious foot problems. His toes were all curled and knarled on his right side. He walked, but with a serious limp. His name is Festus (of Gunsmoke fame) and he has become the best roo. He takes care of the girls- they always come first...
  9. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Quote: One thing I noticed that I dealt with is the holes where cords thread thru. I wrapped some batting around those and my humidity rose about 5%. I also had a red plug that I had to re-seat.
  10. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Lock-down is tomorrow- miscounted and had to recheck the math. Sheeesh! So far we have 10 confirmed with movement, 6 that are a ? since the shells are too tough to see thru and 1 dud. I am nervous now about all the talk of unabsorbed yolk sacs and assisted hatching....first incubated hatch, so...
  11. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Quote: I am so excited to be able to hear about the hatching of these rarer species. My husband has always admired ostriches, I think it's the eyes. Here's hoping your pheasants come out healthy and with all the tenacity of their papa.
  12. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Quote: That looks great!
  13. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Well here's the news going into lock-down tomorrow. I started with 17 eggs. 1 is clear- then there were 16. 3 marans that I can only discern an air cell and that's barely- so maybe all are clear or I just can't see thru that dark shell- all are from the same hen and roo so not sure. 3...
  14. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Quote: It's pretty much how it has been working around here~ Bahahahaha!
  15. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Today is day 14 and I candled a few eggs- just because. And it seems that the egg is pretty well 3/4 filled and dark- is that about right? Still struggling to see through the blue and marans egg shell. Couldn't get the cell phone app. My phone isn't co-operating. Grrrrrrr! Temp is holding at...
  16. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Well now I'm getting worried. I'm at day 13 here, not long for lock-down and my humidity stinks. I'm going to try the container of water in it on day 17. This is my first incubator hatch. I have had 2 broodies, one VERY good and the other not so much. First time I had 6 eggs, 5 hatched...
  17. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Well so far so...uh good. What would I know? I have had 2 broody hatches before, this is my first try at incubating. I have tried to candle them as I am now on day 12. I've got to get a candler or a more powerful light as my blue and chocolate eggs I can't see much at all (especially the blues)...
  18. Leavingegypt

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Put in my 15 eggs for my first try at incubating. I've had two hatches with broodies, but none of my girls were co-operating, so I borrowed an incubator and decided to give it a go. We should have chicks (hopefully) late April 16th or early 17th- just in time for Easter. I have a mixed bag- 2...
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