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  1. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Here's an interesting link on that. Apparently, they are on the list as an auto sexing breed. This link goes into more depth about it. ;)
  2. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    My hatches from last week.
  3. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Great looking bunch! :)
  4. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    This is my first 100% auto sexing breed. Love them! My Malines are about 75% & need more work. Hoping the new bloodline helps. :)
  5. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    That was silly of me, but ok regardless...I meant to post those pics on another thread to explain to someone how some breeds are auto-sexing. :P Still, they did hatch in April! :D
  6. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    All my brown chicks are Bielefelders. The pullet can be seen on the left in both pics, the roo(s) to the right. :)
  7. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Sorry to hear, but sometimes its the kindest thing to do for them. :( I have culled one I had with similar problem this morning. :( It couldn't reach the new feeder like its siblings. I didn't like the older feeder, as it was building up condensation inside & would've created moldy feed.
  8. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Sorry to hear the sad stories/low hatch rates. :( There's quite a learning curve. Don't beat yourselves up! Try again when you're ready. :) It gets better the more you learn. That being said, I had my limit with the LG incubator & tossed it to the curb! Enter the Brinsea. 90% hatch rate first...
  9. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Joplus, these are Belgian Cuckoo Malnes. A rare breed that is gaining popularity here in Canada. :) They do look much alike until they feather in. My avatar is a Malines. I hatched a small number of a new bloodline & chicks below are from my foundation stock. One with yellow head is a hybrid. ;)
  10. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    So cute!!! :D Chicks hatching like crazy here! :D
  11. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Yep, completely normal. :) Mine did the same yesterday. It's exhausting work for them. Congrats on a great hatch! :D
  12. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    :lol: Yeah, I just love those special moments. :) The cuteness is overwhelming. :love :yesss:
  13. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Great news Jerry & Joplus! :D Hope more pip & hatch for you Roxanne! :D This is so exciting! Here's 8 in my brooder so far...4 still in 'bator drying out. Most of the others have pipped. Have only one Bielefelder so far, the rest are taking their sweet time. Is ok, only day 20 today. :)...
  14. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Awesome action folks! :D Just moved the 4 Olive Eggers to the brooder. Lots of pips left! Weeeee! Loving my first Brinsea hatch so far! :)
  15. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    4 Olive Eggers hatched now, still one Bielefelder zipping slowly & 5 Malines pipped. Can't wait to see what's hatched tomorrow. :)
  16. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Went shopping, so of course when I got home 2 olive eggers had hatched. :D 2 more olives have pipped too. Humidity reads 71% right now in there. Will the rest of the eggs be ok? I'm trusting the Brinsea reputation, but I've had chicks drown on that kind of humidity before. OOH! A bielefelder...
  17. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    1st pip on day 19 in Brinsea. An Olive Egger. Genesis on lockdown today & got some rocking. Things are starting to get exciting! :D
  18. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Gorgeous chicks & ducklings! :love Good luck to the rest of us! :D My Brinsea is in lockdown today & after fiddling a bit, I got humidity steady at 65%. 32 eggs in there consisting of Bielefelders, Olive Eggers & Belgian Cuckoo Malines (new bloodline). I'm dry hatching in my genesis unit &...
  19. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Great pics! :) My first hatches this year were lousy! I blame colder than usual weather. Sometimes birds just need more time to get in the mood this season. ;)
  20. Shellz

    APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

    Yay! Sounds awesome! :D I have heard that a full incubator will operate better than one that isn't.
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