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  1. sassy1637

    Rhode Island

    That is great!! I just had a broody hatch 3 silkies, and 2 easter eggers yesterday. She still has 7 eggs under her, so I'm hoping they're just late hatchers, but maybe not! Hatching eggs is so much fun!
  2. sassy1637

    Rhode Island

    Welcome!! I am in Richmond, as well! Were you hatching so many eggs to sell the chicks or just expanding your flock?
  3. sassy1637

    Rhode Island

    Welcome back! I just started to get eggs from the silkies I got in the spring! I think only 1 out of the 3 are laying so far... exciting to get eggs from the newbies, though!!
  4. sassy1637

    Rhode Island

    We're down in Richmond. We were thinking of putting in one of those landscape ponds (I see them for sale on craigslist all the time). We would only want a few ducks... as we already have 22 chickens that roam the yard! Haha Thanks for the info. If I have anymore questions, I know who to ask! Haha
  5. sassy1637

    Rhode Island

    Hello there! Glad you found us! :) Do you have a pond/pool/body of water for your ducks? My husband really wants some, but we didn't know what they required. I'm sure it may depend on the breed as well? I know nothing about ducks!! Lol
  6. sassy1637

    Rhode Island

    Awww... Yea, I guess I could see that though... Ugh, what a bummer!!!!! Well, if you need a home for your roos, I will be more than willing to take them!!!! And I plan on hatching some chicks (if not by a broody, I want to get an incubator), so I could always trade you, and give you some...
  7. sassy1637

    Rhode Island

    You SHOULD start a petition!! That is CRAZY!! I mean, as long as you're not turning a small backyard into a ridiculous hatchery/egg producing factory, I think you should be allowed as many as you want!! I can't believe they make you pay a yearly fee! The only fee for animals we have to pay...
  8. sassy1637

    Rhode Island

    Nope! Roos are not illegal in Rhode Island, but they are illegal in certain cities/towns. Also, depending on the town, you need a certain amount of acreage, and they need to be so far from your neighbor's houses to keep them. I made sure I did my research before adopting! Edit: Just...
  9. sassy1637

    Rhode Island

    Hi! I'm from Richmond! I started a year ago now- I have 2 EE roos, 2 EE hens, 1 Buff Orpinton hen, 2 Australorp hens, a Barred Rock hen, a Dominique hen, 2 Leghorn hens, 2 RI Reds hens, a Silver Laced and a Gold Laced Wyandotte girls, and a Silver Laced Cochin hen. I ordered them all (except...
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