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  1. LakeMomNY

    What bedding do you prefer to use in your coop?

    Quackers Mama - I don't know much about caring for ducks or their behaviors, other than that they can apparently be messy. I would guess success would likely depend on how wet/dry your climate is and how many birds you have per square foot. Maybe someone with more experience can chime in...
  2. LakeMomNY

    What bedding do you prefer to use in your coop?

    I do what Beekissed does. I was just giggling with my husband over dinner this evening about when people talk about A or B or XYZ being easy to clean. Like Beekissed, I DON'T NEED TO CLEAN. Really. My chicken whole run is a lovely compost pile. I throw my leaves, weeds, grass clippings...
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