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  1. CarolinaHen

    Am I the only one..............

    Isn't chicken math a bugger?!? Just when you think you've got enough coops and birds..... You fall in love with another breed or variety and have to build another coop and buy more birds!
  2. CarolinaHen

    Am I the only one..............

    At least when summer gets here I will be home all day with no work to do other than homesteading!!!!!
  3. CarolinaHen

    Am I the only one..............

    I have chicks hatching today, I need to get my garden planted, I need to build a new coop for the Japanese Bantams........ Wonder what the school district would say if I put that on my leave request...
  4. CarolinaHen

    Am I the only one..............

    I'm so jealous!!!!!! Congratulations!!!
  5. CarolinaHen

    Am I the only one..............

    Playing with chicks is very good for your mental health!
  6. CarolinaHen

    Am I the only one..............

    I know the feeling! Sometimes I want to call in to work and tell them I can't make it because I have too many chores to do at home. ..... like watching my chicks hatch, planting the garden...... you know, the important stuff!
  7. CarolinaHen

    Am I the only one..............

    I teach high school and have 8 years left to go before retirement. I find myself sitting here during my planning block just thinking about all of the things I could do at home. I love my job, but I really, really, really wish they would let me take my students and teach them about...
  8. CarolinaHen

    Am I the only one..............

    Am I the only one that wishes she were home instead of at work? I would much rather be sitting by the fire, knitting, and watching the chicks in the brooder. Too bad I've got to do this "work thing" to pay the bills.
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