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  1. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Brilliant, that´s wonderful news. and to Miss Lydia, too, who I think recommended the epernix. good outcome. Now you can start to really enjoy the birds again.
  2. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    That´s good news, so glad you´re making progress with your birds. well done. Will you look for a girlfriend for Scarface soon? That´ll perk him up no end once he´s better, which it sounds like he´s well on the way. good news indeed. Hope you manage to weather the storms there ok.
  3. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Aren´t they crazy?! Mine look so bedraggled wandering around in the rain, and they have a shelter to get under, too. Sometimes in the winter (gets down to freezing at times) when it rains, I´m cozy in bed and I think about my stupid chickens that don´t want to roost under the shelter, but on...
  4. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    My chickens like to paddle. they poodle around in the stream finding bits and bobs to eat... so funny to see a chicken jump off the bank into the stream!
  5. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Well I´m not of a one for using antibiotics for my family, only when really necessary. I try to find alternatives, so ACV gets used indoors, and also outdoors! Of course, I´ll use antibiotics if I feel it´s necessary. ACV is used for all sorts of things, can also help to limit worm...
  6. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    A delay in treatment. Hopefully it´ll get sorted soon. Well, mine only got an eye problem once..a young gander some time ago. I diluted ACV in water, but some corn in the bottom of the bucket, and left him to it. He had no problem with the water, ate the corn. The next day he was fine, so...
  7. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Is there no way you can put the treatment on him when he´s roosting? do you have access to him at night? He won´t know what´s happening. You really need to treat as much area as poss to get on top of it.
  8. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    No, it doesn´t burn like crazy. All my birds have ACV in their water, and the geese pop their heads under no signs of 'burning'. It´s well diluted. It´s a natural treatment and works well, whether antibiotic is needed or not. Baytril, of course, is easy to get and is good.
  9. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Hi, well done there! Good news. I really would try the diluted ACV though for your gander to wash his eye. It may well help a lot. Your cock is a cochin, I would say. Do you still have the powder? With my chickens, I put dry sand in a tray with powder mixed in and leave them to dust...
  10. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Hi Harry, how is the gander these days? Did any of our ideas help?
  11. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Hi harry. You haven´t treated him for lice yet??? The powder would have been fine. You have to kill the lice without delay, poor thing. If he´s struggling with lice sucking the life out of him, he´s not going to be able to fight off other infections so easily. And you´ll not want to give...
  12. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Well, she´s living up to her name of 'Production Toulouse'! 26 eggs! You´ll have to start doing the egg decorating!!
  13. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Hello MLyd, I missed your posts these few days. How are things going with your non-African geese? Missy still laying?
  14. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    I can´t help with the epernix thing, but just to say that ignorance (in the best meaning of the word) causes so many problems. Here, a neighbour of mine has taken in a pup that someone dumped outside her house. She´s nver had a dog, but wants to look after this one. I talked to her about...
  15. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    That´s fantastic, MLyd. Here I can´t even get the combination drops to kill both lice and worms in cats. Let alone for birds! How useful to have Epernix!
  16. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    People around here eat goose eggs, we eat goose eggs. they have a stronger taste, more like a duck egg does, but they make great omelettes, and if you blow the eggs out, you can decorate it too. 2 in 1. You don´t have to let a female sit on the eggs. Or let her sit on, say, 2 of her eggs and...
  17. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    I can´t help wondering if it´s all one problem....if they´re (were) suffering from parasites inside and out? The shaking of the head can indicate gape worms, and of course, lice can simply suck the life out of the birds. I don´t know if a spray for birds exists where you are, but I would get...
  18. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    good news, J. And to the gander, too...
  19. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    Ah, yes, that would be the 'off' button. Great idea, hope it works.
  20. livininbrazil

    My African geese (2 ganders) are sick what do I need?

    sorry to hear about your goose getting worse. I do hope your vet can help her somehow.
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