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  1. Cluck-a-biddy

    Barred Rock thread!!

    My two BR girls are going on 21 weeks. So far they've laid a couple of dud eggs each. By that I mean, they dropped them while roosting and they had very soft shells. Almost transparent. Of all my hens, they are in the oldest group, but are the most immature of the older girls. They only just...
  2. Cluck-a-biddy

    Barred Rock thread!!

    Just had to share my two girls Ezzie and Grizzie. They're going on 16weeks and pretty darn big birds. But, my two BSLs, Elvira and Morticia are a week younger and even bigger. I'm just lovin' all my ladies. Took these pics this morning... Here is Esmeralda And this is Griselda
  3. Cluck-a-biddy

    Barred Rock thread!!

    Hey guys! I'm a new chicken mama, and I have 10 chickies ranging from 6 to 9 weeks old. I'm pretty sure I have all girls. At least I hope. Two of the older ones are BRs, and they think they are the "bosses" and are not terribly friendly. I'm hoping that changes soon. I manage to grab Esmeralda...
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