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  1. K9Dave

    Compost pile thread!!!

    Some would say that, but some have too many opinions. I actually caught the compost big myself and since I didn't want to separate it from the chickens I just did my 1 pallet system. I'm moving out into the desert at the end of the month and we're gonna garden. I'm gonna have to get creative for...
  2. K9Dave

    Compost pile thread!!!

    I've been getting the veggie clippings from an Asian market and throwing them in their run compost. I got 2 huge boxes of Chinese Bok Choi the other day and they really loved it. They barely ate any bagged food during those couple days. It's fantastic compost material wen they're done. If I had...
  3. K9Dave

    Compost pile thread!!!

    I started a pile inside my run not too long ago. The dishwasher rack was to give the new chicks a place to escape. It's gone now and they all have spread the pile out pretty good. It's crunchy on top when I walk on it but it feels springy underneath so I think it's working. I will probably turn...
  4. K9Dave

    Compost pile thread!!!

    I've been watering mine everyday as it's very dry here in Az. I wasn't sure but when I turned it today the bottom was all black dirt and didn't look too wet. Does it need manure? I don't have lawn clippings at the moment as there's no lawn to mow but I appreciate the advice and am going to use...
  5. K9Dave

    Compost pile thread!!!

    I started a couple piles but am not sure I'm doing it right. How much water, when to turn and how to add my scraps? My chickens do a lot of sorting through it that's for sure. Even the small chicks can grind hay and straw up pretty efficiently.
  6. K9Dave

    Compost pile thread!!!

    Tea bags go in my worm bin. I don't drink coffee but may ask for the neighbors coffee grounds.
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