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  1. Folly's place

    Parasitic Worm Question

    Worming chickens; it depends. Some flocks won't have issues, while flocks in other locations might have big problems. Same thing about external parasites. Healthy well fed uncrowded birds will do better than stressed birds, and when breeding it's vital to select tough healthy birds as...
  2. Folly's place

    Parasitic Worm Question

    There is no direct transmission of the 'worm' phase of the tapeworms. Dogs and cats get them either from eating fleas (a host for certain tapeworm cysts) or eating raw meat. That includes mice, crayfish, grocery store meat, or many wild critters. If your pet eats the segments, he will get...
  3. Folly's place

    Parasitic Worm Question

    Tapeworms all have a very complex life cycle.. The moving rice-grain objects in the dog's poo are egg sacks. The critter who eats the eggs gets the next phase; cysts in their tissues. Some tapeworms need a third host like a snail. earthworm or crayfish. The critter who eats the cysts (in...
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