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  1. Kuntry Klucker

    Rooster lifeless, please HELP me!!! **UPDATE**

    Ok, thanks for chiming in and correcting me. I was not sure of his advie anyway. I never gave my Roy that much water, just enough till i though the got a good drink of water.
  2. Kuntry Klucker

    Rooster lifeless, please HELP me!!! **UPDATE**

    I asked my friend that works at our local feed store. He has lots of experience with chickens. He said this " you can put water in their beaks till they start regretting it up, it goes into his crop". Now he said this to me knowing that I was seeking help with a 4 year old BO adult rooster. I am...
  3. Kuntry Klucker

    Rooster lifeless, please HELP me!!! **UPDATE**

    I am sorry, i know it is frustrating when you have no idea what is wrong or what to do. I just force fed my rooster water with electrolytes in it. He is doing doing fine now. I just make sure I go out there every hour and make sure that he is drinking. If i think he needs more water I will...
  4. Kuntry Klucker

    Rooster lifeless, please HELP me!!! **UPDATE**

    thanks for your info Dawg53. I am keeping an eye on him. He is now eating and drinking on his own. He started crowing again this afternoon. I have never been so glad to hear my rooster crow. Last night I though I would be burring him today. Turn out today he is still with us. I just wish I...
  5. Kuntry Klucker

    Rooster lifeless, please HELP me!!! **UPDATE**

    that is what I did this morning. I went to our local feed store and got a few more waterers, and placed them around the yard. they free range in my back yard, which is fenced in and quite large. If they get to the far back cornered it is quite a ways back to the pen. I put some waterers back...
  6. Kuntry Klucker

    Rooster lifeless, please HELP me!!! **UPDATE**

    Hi Dawg 53, I have already wormed them. They got two doses, the second one was administered about 12 days ago. So they have had their yearly worming. I did find a few mites on him, I dusted him again this morning to get rid of them. I was giving him water with electrolytes in it this morning, he...
  7. Kuntry Klucker

    Rooster lifeless, please HELP me!!! **UPDATE**

    Also, his waddles are all shriveled up, what does that indicate. Are we talking about dehydration or possibly an internal parasite of some kind. I found a few lice on him, i dusted him and am giving him electrolytes through a syringe till he can drink on his own. Anyone with any ideas or...
  8. Kuntry Klucker

    Rooster lifeless, please HELP me!!! **UPDATE**

    Went out to see the girls this morning. Roy, our rooster is still alive. He is alert, sitting up and talking, but not crowing at all. Actually when he backs is sounds like he has a leak in his pipe somewhere. does anyone know what that indicates? Any direction would be appreciated. Thanks
  9. Kuntry Klucker

    Rooster lifeless, please HELP me!!! **UPDATE**

    I recently put mulch on my blueberry bushes in the backyard where the chickens are. could that have done something? But then if so, I would think that more of the chickens would be affected.
  10. Kuntry Klucker

    Rooster lifeless, please HELP me!!! **UPDATE**

    it is just so sudden. yesterday and even this afternoon he was fine. just out of no where he is near death. I just don't understand. Anyone else even experienced this, any ideas of what is taking him?
  11. Kuntry Klucker

    Rooster lifeless, please HELP me!!! **UPDATE**

    It could be internal problems, all of the other girls are fine, it is just him.
  12. Kuntry Klucker

    Rooster lifeless, please HELP me!!! **UPDATE**

    I use safeguard wormer. The water is pretty clean, there is a little algae on it but not much. I dusted the flock for lice a few days ago so I thought I had all based covered. I just found him lifeless not visible wounds or anything. just stumped.
  13. Kuntry Klucker

    Rooster lifeless, please HELP me!!! **UPDATE**

    Hi All, I have a BO rooster 4 year old. went to put the girl up tonight and found Roy, my rooster lying on the ground completely lifeless. No visible scars of battle or attack by predator, recently wormed, was healthy and active just this afternoon. I am stumped as to what could have...
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