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  1. lauranickerson

    My Poultry Adventure

    My Leghorn was acting a little strange today, like it was breathing hard and it's comb was really dark red. I panicked and called a vet that I heard dealt with chickens. I took her there, and all they said was she had an impacted crop. I feed my chickens a mix of cracked corn, sunflower seeds...
  2. lauranickerson

    My Poultry Adventure

    Oh trust me, I know about the withdrawal periods. I only treated my egg flock with it once over the winter, and wasn't selling eggs at that point, but went about twice the recommended withdrawal period anyways before eating them myself. I'm not selling hatching eggs either, because 1, I don't...
  3. lauranickerson

    My Poultry Adventure

    I'm in a *mood* today, and it's causing me to use BYC as my very own diary. If you have any advice or encouragement, throw it at me. I'm kind of in the dumps about my flock right now. So I've had chickens since March last year (2013). I absolutely LOVE it! Ask any of my friends and they will...
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