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  1. Blooie

    Does a neighbor have the right to kill chickens if it enters their property?

    Sweetie, if it was my property that your chickens had already been "visiting" at least 4 times, even one tiny little chicken poop on my sidewalk and one little nibbled leaf off my plants would be unacceptable to me. Did you know that some plants only bloom once? That some produce one fruit per...
  2. Blooie

    Does a neighbor have the right to kill chickens if it enters their property?

    I can sure tell you are frustrated, and you think that you are doing the best you can. But I saw a lady wearing a T-shirt one day while we were visiting Washington, DC, and what that shirt said has stuck with me ever since. It said, "My Rights End Where Your Toes Begin." That means that while...
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