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  1. Haida

    Wobbling 3 week old turkey, sits more than it can walk around at this point :[

    I never thought about cuttlebones! I wonder if it's cheaper to grind that up rather than buy pre-crushed oyster shell? You could definitely get smaller pieces by grinding it up yourself... I might have to look into that! One of my turk hens won't touch oyster shell, so I wonder if I could...
  2. Haida

    Wobbling 3 week old turkey, sits more than it can walk around at this point :[

    Hmm... personally, I would ditch the medicated feed. Its kind of a hit and miss subject, some people swear by it and others (such as myself) won't touch it. Instead I use Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar (the organic kind with the mother in it) in their water. I've never had an incidence of cocci. I...
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