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  1. NiaAbbott

    First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

    They were around 14# give or take. I pieced a bunch out in breasts and legs/thighs. We`re hanging around in the low teens right now, so Im with you on the cold!
  2. NiaAbbott

    First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

    Hi everyone! I've been MIA since the summer, but am day dreaming of spring and another batch of CX's so I wanted to stop in! We made it through last summer with only one CX loss. Being my first try at them, I though that was pretty good! I let them go a little longer, we processed the biggest...
  3. NiaAbbott

    First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

    She didn't make it :( She was holding on at breakfast time, but barely. When I came out she was laying on her side and lethargic, her crop was still full from the night before, but she hadn't had any food. I fed the others and went to find a dropper to try and coax some liquids into her, but...
  4. NiaAbbott

    First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

    I should add, they have a section of tractor that is semi enclosed, and they throw off quite a lot of heat, so I'm sure it's well above the outside temp with them in there
  5. NiaAbbott

    First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

    I don't know what the lowest temp they can handle would be, but mine have been outside in the tractor since they were 3 weeks old, and we've gotten into the high 40's low 50's at night time, they've seemed to handle it well. I plan on processing at 8-9 ish weeks, I'll go be weight, aiming for...
  6. NiaAbbott

    First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

    Question- My Cx's are 6 weeks 1 day old, I haven't lost any yet, but noticed last night right after I fed them that one was a little off. she had eaten, but was sitting in a little awkward ball with her head and butt tucked in, and her right eye closed. I watched her for a while and she could...
  7. NiaAbbott

    First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

    Hi everyone! I just found this thread and will be stalking it from now on :) I'm new to CX's. We got 20 of them 4 weeks ago today, I like them all right, but not as much as my layers. I feel like these guys are horribly ugly... maybe it's just the 'tween' stage they're in. but as of now, I will...
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