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  1. Studio2770

    Bed time drama?

    Keep training them to go to the coop at night. I can't quite remember how my first chickens were. They should catch on. Keep me posted. Use treats to get them in or do what you do know and just put them in there.
  2. Studio2770

    Bed time drama?

    Meant to say like. Spit up a little of what? I think they've done it but now so sure. That 3rd squatter seemed to be taking it on a test drive.
  3. Studio2770

    Bed time drama?

    I assumed the play area was large since they didn't free range. It sounds like they're warming up and everything is going smoothly. Watermelon is also a summer treat. Mine like to pick out the seeds and then eat the rest. I would lime to cool them down more, especially our cochin.
  4. Studio2770

    Bed time drama?

    No problem. I don't clean mine out everyday,but then again I free range. I think it's time to change the bedding in my boxes. Yup that's a rubber egg, or "fart egg" I think. That's the membrane and unfortunately has to be discarded as the shell isn't there to protect the egg. I've gotten several...
  5. Studio2770

    Bed time drama?

    If they started squatting then those boxes should be clean. They won't think it's an unsafe place, unless it looks like it's been ransacked. Since they pooped on the decoy eggs, that means they sleep in the boxes which means it's a safe place. They won't sleep in a place that's not safe.
  6. Studio2770

    Bed time drama?

    Haha yes it's quite chaotic. I'm sure Oliver isn't such a sissy now. He was the largest chicken when we gave him away but he still steered clear of the older hens. It's recommended that the roosts are above the boxes and not in a busy area. You could blow out the inside of an egg and place the...
  7. Studio2770

    Bed time drama?

    No problem. Some questions are easier than others. Though, some of my question got little to no responses so I get your frustration. Like I said, as long as no one gets hurt, but it'll hurt to see the young ones get picked on but that's how it goes. This actually reminded me of a video my older...
  8. Studio2770

    Bed time drama?

    That's good. Same here, though only one hawk has strafed two hens and the owls that settled in our yard are smaller than the hens so they pose no threat. We have to watch 2 of our 3 dogs. We added 3 to our flock of 5 almost a year ago so they had to bond over the summer. That's why they're...
  9. Studio2770

    Bed time drama?

    Dang they must not like to sleep together that much. Glad no predators took advantage of the chickens being separated like that.
  10. Studio2770

    Bed time drama?

    Wow. Even though mine start drama, they all manage to get on the roosts. When our 3 chicks were getting into the flock, they sometimes slept in the boxes.
  11. Studio2770

    Bed time drama?

    Ok good. It's crazy how they get along during the day but they create drama when it's time to roost. I've seen some scratched on combs but they scabbed over the next day.
  12. Studio2770

    Bed time drama?

    I wonder if anyone else experiences bed time shenanigans. No one fights but some get picked on. We have 5 leghorns so that is a factor in why. They peck at each other on the roosts because some try to scoot over, others are bossy, or bored. Our cochin can't eat and roost until everyone is...
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