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  1. Melnurse

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    THAT is exactly what it sounds like! Now, is that AFTER the egg laying (because I've seen mine outside of the coop singing that song, then found a warm egg in the nestbox; or is it DURING the laying?
  2. Melnurse

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Hi, we only have 4 hens and my first egg was at 19 weeks exactly; I saw two eggs a week later and then began to see three soon after than. Today, again, we had four... the girls are cranking them out. I am soaking some of their grain today, going to try this "fermented" feed thing and see how...
  3. Melnurse

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Just a little note since it's been about three weeks or so since our four girls started to finally lay eggs. From inception, each egg has been perfect, and only once - upon cleaning the coop - did I see what was probably a shell-less egg (pretty danged slimy). They did start out small and over...
  4. Melnurse

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Love reading all of the posts. We now have had 19 total eggs hatched, and our biggest days were yesterday and today (with 3 eggs each day). We have four hens, so I don't know if one is skipping days or if one of them just hasn't had her first, but we have had all size, and the blue EE is just so...
  5. Melnurse

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    So the Buff Orpington (one of the four gals I have) has been like clockwork each day - about the same time - one small egg (born 1/31/14). Yesterday, there was an egg in the box that was a full 1/3 size bigger than what she's been laying. Do they rapidly increase in size like that or is...
  6. Melnurse

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    we have two buff Orpingtons, and the smaller of the two is the one that is laying now. They were all born 1/31 and her first egg was Tuesday 6/24. Not even 5 months. The bigger buff O. does not seem to be interested in laying yet at all. No scratching, squatting or other behavior.
  7. Melnurse

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Houston, we have landed an egg!! Woohoo - I know, so lame, eh? We've never raised chickens before and we only have 4, but those four are our "girls" and the buff Orpington was singing and squatting and scratching in the nest boxes yesterday and today - viola!!
  8. Melnurse

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Today, one of my buff Orpingtons does actually squat whenever I reach down to her or if she's close while I'm cleaning the nest boxes (which have yet to have a real egg in them). She's been doing this for about a week, I'd say. Now, while the other 4 are out and about and free ranging in their...
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