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  1. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    My hens started laying at about the 20th week and for the most part they lay between sun rise and noon. So, if you can keep them in their run with coop access until then they may lay only in the provided nests. Let them out after they have done their job with eggs and you will find that they...
  2. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Have to be the boasting proud papa. My girls hit their first dozen egg day (actually 14 but the egg carton only holds 12). Don't know if I am a proud papa or a proud grandpa...after all, what is my relationship to my hens eggs? They are still on the small side but they are fine, firm shelled...
  3. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    I know how you feel. I wanted to go out and shake the eggs out of them like in a cartoon. But patient perseverance will win out in the end and you will have eggs.
  4. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    If you are only going to use it for nest one bale will last you forever...just keep it dry.
  5. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    I get "two string bales" at tractor supply for about 9 buck each but with all my birds I use a lot. There is a feed store here that sells hay to ranchers and will let you take as much as you can bag for free of the stuff that falls to the ground when they load and unload it.
  6. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    I use straw and change it out weekly. I have 10 next boxes for 23 hens. Of course they only use 3 of the nests but who's counting. I tried pine shavings but by the time they get in the nest and turn around a few times to get comfortable most of the shavings have been pushed out onto the floor...
  7. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    I try my best but the poor things still just pant and fluff out their feathers to stay cool. Someone on here said they bought their hens a small AC unit. I am not doing that yet but I am rigging several fans to move more air around. They have a small fan in their coop but it just is not doing...
  8. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    No...I read someplace, maybe here, not to use ACV, BOSS, Corn, etc in the heat because they actually increase the birds body temp...and ACV does something the weakens or reduces their calcium. They just get their frozen treats, ice in water, misting, balanced non-antibiotic commercial feed, free...
  9. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Six of my girls have been laying eggs pretty regularly now for a couple of weeks and most of the others are beginning to act like they will soon. However, this a.m. when I let them out of their coop there were two eggs on the floor under the roost which I guess were dropped overnight or very...
  10. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Of the three of mine that have begun to lay I have one that consistently lays a double yolker. I keep wooden fake eggs in the nest at all time and they have laid their eggs in the nest since they began...except for one small egg that was just in the middle of the coop floor. I hope the other 20...
  11. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Well, another day with three small eggs from 23 hens. This is the second day that one of them has a little crack from being pecked. Guess I have a hen that likes to sign her work.
  12. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Well, with 23 hens in 5 different breeds that all mature at 20-23 weeks here is what I have learned. Note that this is just what is going on here not what will happen everywhere with every hen. Mine started getting the red comb and wattles, some got larger comb and wattles, beginning at 17...
  13. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    I've noticed that as well with my hens. Ever since laying began they seem to want to be close to me when I am out there with them. More so than in the past. When I open their gate they follow me around in a little line just chattering up a storm.
  14. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Good to hear. Here's hoping that everything continues to improve.
  15. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Check around your area for other people that have chickens and ask for help. I have found that most times they are more than willing to assist and that they may have gone through the same thing themselves. Also, I did a quick Google for vets in your area and there are a number that say they work...
  16. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    is she laying down and doing anything specific? for instance, is she actually taking a dust bath? also, when you say laying down, is she squatting or actually laying down like on her side or something? at 16 weeks or so she is probably not trying to lay an egg but just resting. I would keep an...
  17. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Right at 20-21 weeks...right on time. You should see more activity from everyone in the next week or so.
  18. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    All my hens were hatched on Feb. 6th so they are 20 wks. old today. On 6/13 we got our first egg (Picture below) So that makes the first egg at 18 weeks. That hen was not ready to begin to lay and on the same day tried to "lay" two more eggs at the same time resulting in very serious prolapse...
  19. jtn42248

    what clues are there to know when a chicken is going to start laying eggs

    Size looks o.k. but if they are only 17-18 weeks old you probably have another 2-4 weeks before any routine egg laying occurs. Also, the comb and wattles will get a good deal more red.
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