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  1. Kusanar

    Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste

    Lights can be fixed. Scott Can they? How? OH!!!!...just fixed it, there's a button that I didn't know the function of....until just now. Boy, do I feel like a DumbButt....but a happy one, haha! Thanks for making me look at it again @scottcaddy Nice work! And here I was going to say something...
  2. Kusanar

    Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste

    I just started a compost pile at the house, will be interesting to see how long it takes my husband to discover it... it's not hidden and we don't have a large yard, so probably not long. I have a dog in the house and he never holds it to go outside, so his pen is about 3 inches deep in pine...
  3. Kusanar

    Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste

    I'm hoping my compost will get going again soon. I want to try something different with the garden this year. I want to get the black plastic pipes you use at the end of your downspout to direct the water away from your house. Stand the pipes up on end, cut holes for the plants, fill with dirt...
  4. Kusanar

    Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste

    Lol, it's probably thawed right now, honestly, it's probably about done, since it was hay soaked in urine and manure with a few pumpkins tossed in to keep the horses from eating them, it cooks pretty fast as long as it stays wet.
  5. Kusanar

    Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste

    My compost pile is likely still frozen solid, so I have nothing to report, otherwise, I would be posting
  6. Kusanar

    Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste

    My compost just managed to peek back out from under a foot of snow, probably not very hot, but maybe not frozen solid.
  7. Kusanar

    Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste

    I haven't been turning it much, so it is doing a slow burn. I never get it in a cage though, so that might be keeping it cooler. When I do turn it, I check moisture, water between the layers as needed, then when it's done, I cover it with some fresh stuff to keep moisture loss down, the fresh...
  8. Kusanar

    Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste

    Well, I've been a bad compost owner, the time changed so it's hard for me to even see my compost pile in the light of day right now, so it hadn't been turned in a while, it was dry and cold, so I turned it and doused it down with some manure water I've had steeping... I have a 50 gallon water...
  9. Kusanar

    Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste This is pretty much what I was trying to describe. I just found a pic
  10. Kusanar

    Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste Here you go, the monster composter.
  11. Kusanar

    Hot composting with chicken bedding and garden waste

    I read through this thread from the beginning and just now got to the end. Now I can post without losing my place! Well, you guys got me wanting a compost pile... so I started one, it's really small right now, I didn't want to make it big at first because I would burn out and start ignoring it...
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