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  1. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    Thought I would update this thread. I am happy to say that this broody is still being mamma of the year to the 9 eight week old chicks that arent even hers and the 5 seven week old chicks that are hers. I am amazed that she is still just as watchful and protective now as she was 2 months ago...
  2. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    Thank you for the compliments on her. Yeah she is definitely a good one. She might be thanking her lucky stars now that 7 of hers didnt make it or she would be watching after 22 instead of only 15 lol.
  3. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    Sorry it took a couple days. Been really busy. But here is the hen who is taking care of two seperate hatchlings and doing a great job!
  4. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    Well update...hen has completely snapped out of her broody stage and tried rejoining the others today but it was a struggle for her. Right back to the bottom of the pecking order she went so she kind of hung out by herself most of the day. Well actually she followed me everywhere...
  5. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    Thank you bethel3330!
  6. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    While I must admit I didnt physically see her do it but my gut feeling says yeah. She was pecking at them pretty hard yesterday and I have yet to see any of the other chicks being aggresive. And yes I killed a snake in another brood pen but snakes dont kill just for the fun of it. And this chick...
  7. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    @ way is confinement a product of what I am experiencing! They roam my entire farm ALL DAY LONG!! No chicken is cooped up ever. Well except my rooster but he is in time out and that is another story. They are only locked up during darkness.
  8. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    Anyways this is the picture I was trying to upload. She doesnt look too homicidal to me. She went right into the broody pen with the chicks and curled up with all of them with wings open. But I am not taking any chances so I pulled her out and stuck her on the roosting pole.
  9. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    Thank you greasemonkey. It has been a long day. Not only did the one hen kill her chick but also found a 6 foot long black snake in a broody pen where a hen just hatched chicks 4 days ago. Different hen btw. And it ate 5 in one sitting and then curled up underneath the pine shavings in the...
  10. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    Nevermind this site sucks big time!!! Wouldnt upload the picture! Sick of it peace out
  11. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    On second thought does this look like a homocidal bipolar psycho mama hen?? She has been pecking her chicks like crazy all day and running from them now that it is getting dark she is 2014 mama of the year again!?!?!?!?! I am lost!
  12. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    Thank you very much Enola!! That is the answer I was searching for. They actually are out all day long and she started pecking them yesterday. They are only in the broody pen at night. So I will not allow her back in the broody pen at night. Only the chicks. Thank you for your help.
  13. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    I tried to check out that link but my stupid smartphone is not happy right now for some reason. I will try again later.
  14. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    Yeah I have heard all about hens killing chicks when they hatch. Not the situation I have. These chicks are a month old and up until yesterday she has been mom of the year!!! Why all of a sudden the aggression. This is my first hatch of chicks to take care of. So I assume constant pecking is not...
  15. buffboy

    Hen killed her 4 1/2 week old chick!!

    Yesterday I started noticing one of my hens starting to peck all of her 4 1/2 week old chicks. This morning I find one pecked to death in her broody pen. Let them out and all day long she has been pecking at all of them. I assume she is done with them but is all this pecking normal when they...
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