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  1. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    All 8 of our chicks have now hatched. They are all just glorious!! We have ended up with 2 multi coloured Frizzles, 3 multi coloured Silkies/Sizzles and 3 grey or blue? (I'm not sure how to tell, lol!) Silkies/Sizzles. Crackle hatched perfectly, and is a grey/blue Silkie/Sizzle. :) The chickies...
  2. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    The first chick that hatched with my broody wyandotte, Sammy. A little multi coloured silkie or sizzle that we have dubbed "Friday". Sooo cute! 6 out of 8 have arrived now. Hurry up little chicklets! Crackle update: Definitely unzipping now and going super well! Cheeping lots.
  3. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    As soon as I can figure out how to post pictures, I will! Crackle has pipped externally, and I'm loving hearing the little chirps. :) I think it's beginning to unzip now too! Nervously excited!
  4. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    OMG, OMG!!! I have 4 little bundles of joy, with 3 more still to hatch under my broody!! 2 silkies or sizzles (1 grey and 1 multi coloured) and 2 multi coloured frizzles so far. They are so tiny and fluffy and absolutely adorable!! *squeals* Also... Crackle has pipped in the incubator! Come...
  5. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Thanks hun! So hoping that things go well. Good luck with your chickies too!
  6. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    My 8 babies are in lockdown! I candled them all today, and could see a few of the chicks were starting to nibble at the inner membrane! Super cool. "Crackle" (my miracle egg with the broken shell) is in the incubator and I tried to take off as much tape as I could without taking more shell off...
  7. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I hope your little chicky's leg problem is an easy fix, Book. xo
  8. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    They are sooo cute! Congratulations on your new dear little babies. :)
  9. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Awww, sorry about the ones that aren't developing. I had 4 that weren't either. YAY for wriggling babies! Sooo exciting!! I too just candled, and still have 8/8 babies going strong on day 14! They're running out of room in there now, but I saw some little movements and great veins.
  10. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Bless ya, I know how you feel! It's not a nice feeling. I actually cried. Good luck with your cracked little egglet. xx
  11. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Thanks so, so much for help with the incubator, CaliChicken! I still think it'll be safest to put Crackle in there from lockdown and help it unzip. Lets hope that Day 18 for lockdown is right. I'm about to candle my 8 eggs at day 14, so hoping for the best!! I'm feeling like an expectant mum...
  12. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I've been trying to figure out how our cracked egg #12 (now affectionately known as "Crackle") will hatch with the tape over it's cracks. The crack is at the big end where the air cell is. I tried to take the tape off on day 10, and more shell came off with it, so now it has candle wax on it...
  13. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Yay!! It is so exciting seeing the little blobs dance around in their temporary homes! :) I hope you get all the chickies on your wish list.
  14. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Oh my gosh, Book! Your babies are just darling! :)
  15. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Thank you! Yes, our heartbeat and little foot egg is #2. :) I didn't know that about eggs without movement, that gives me extra hope for #12. Will definitely keep you posted! :) I'm still learning too! I've been watching lots and lots of videos on youtube. :) Fingers are well and truly...
  16. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Iko127 - What lovely chookies! I love the one with brown and white, stunning. :) I just candled our eggs at day 10, and was lucky enough to see a little heartbeat flickering away! The same baby also showed me it's teeny tiny foot. New life is absolutely amazing. :) Our cracked egg still seems...
  17. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    The sun is out on this cold winters day, and I'll be picking up an incubator this afternoon to see if I can give the cracked egg we have a better chance of surviving. I've not used one before. So nerve wracking. Is it right to also pick up a thermometer/hydrometer for better accuracy? Fingers...
  18. ChookyGirl

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I'd love to join in too please! :) We candled our 11 eggs tonight, and have 8 eggs with movement and veins! We have them under our broody hen and we're so excited! It's our first ever hatch. They could be silkies, frizzles or sizzles. They're due on August 9th. I'm looking forward to going on...
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