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  1. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Buttheads=dinner Lucky+ lady crew= Lucky Ladies and happy Lucky...assuming he is a roo of course
  2. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    LOL..yes, I have not gotten the hang of the whole "chicken genetics" breeding thing! I vote for replacing the butthead rooster..LOL
  3. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    WOW...its been 4 weeks already!!!!! Boy I bet he will be so happy to have some little friends! He is looking a little "rooish" to me with that comb, but then again I am not the best judge Love his color! Is he laced? Looks like it with the feathers in front with black spots in the...
  4. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long foot 4 toes and the other 5 toes My cochin has silkie in her so she also has 5 toes, black feet and beak.....butt not black skin. Her feathers have the hair-like quality to some of them and the standard feather texture to the others. So they may have a blend of both And at least...
  5. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Congrats!!!! So glad you had a successful hatch...especially after the last one was so difficult Last little baby look so tired leaning on his egg!!!! Will the crosses be standard size or bantam?
  6. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I am in southern calif and am looking for bantam cochin eggs for my girl to hatch I absolutely adore bantam sweet and we have them for pets so they are perfect! Tiny eggs are a bonus My last hatch I had one bantam cochin and he turned out to be a roo My friend anted a roo so...
  7. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Agreed...who can resist little fuzzy butts My hubby loves having them around too, but doesn't really get into the incubation part....just super excited once they start hatching! So jealous of your silkie eggs! I have nothing,,,sniffle,,,sniffle...going right now Just not home enough at the...
  8. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    LOL...the same thing happened with me the last time I hatched. I started out getting 6 eggs for my broody. She is a bantam and I got bantam eggs...but only put 4 under her since it was her first time hatching. Then I decided to get 8 more eggs...because well....what if the eggs she was sitting...
  9. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Yep...unfortunately when hatching you have to take the sad with the happy moments I have found so far with chicks that are struggling when they hatch that the one week mark seems to be a deciding factor if they are going to make it. I had a blue cochin baby I was soooo excited to have and it...
  10. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Oh...I am so sorry It's so hard when you put so much into trying to help a chick thrive and it doesn't make it But it is a good feeling to know that you did everything you could to give Faith a good chance at a happy life...and she did have that while she was with you
  11. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Awwww.....adorable! I have read with chicks that have vision problems and even older chickens that they need help finding food and water. But you are probably right, chicky isn't feeling the need to eat quite yet because of the yolk. Blue or lavender...going to be a beautiful bird!
  12. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long glad your baby made it!!!! I have had a crazy day and have been dying to see what's happening! Fluffy and adorable So sorry about the other chick Nothing you can do if it hits a vein when it pips. And yes, it does sound like a genetics issue since both eggs came from the same...
  13. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Awww..YAY!!!!! Baby is anxious to be out with Lucky!!!!!!
  14. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I agree, as long as the chick grows healthy and happy then all is good. I have never seen a "bent" beak so curious to see how it looks as the chick grows. I think I have read with the scissor beak that some have trimmed the beak to help with eating and grooming but my quail wasn't too severe and...
  15. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Awwww...Lucky is telling that baby she wants some company!!! It is so cute how the chicks that hatch peep at the ones in process of hatching for encouragement I have had early hatches from temps to high and late hatches from temps too low. I am always just so afraid to mess with the temps...
  16. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    LOL...snacks, coffee(or diet coke if you are me!) and some good TV shows to catch up on while you wait......wait.....wait..... My last hatch I just dozed off for an hour here or there. Hubby thought I was crazy but you just can't sleep when your worrying about them hatching out !
  17. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    By the way, the pics of your AWESOME!!! I can never get mine to turn out
  18. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    YAY!!!!! Come chicky....Lucky needs a friend Hopefully egg #2 will be working its way out soon SO MUCH STRESS these fluffy babies can be
  19. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    YEP...egg #1 needs some more time to absorb for sure. Hopefully egg #2 will be ok but yes..a wait and see situation now Hopefully that little baby keeps making its way out! Keep me updated
  20. calichicken

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Oh no!!!! Poor silkie baby! How's the chick doing getting out of the eggs? It broke through the shell so that is a good sign...hopefully it will not interfere with eating and drinking. I had a quail that had scissor beak but wasn't severe and did just fine. Good luck...anything from egg #2 yet?
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