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  1. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    When do the eggs start to generate their own heat... the last few days? Maybe that is what took it up? I hope they are okay!
  2. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Super cute chickies!! I go into lockdown tomorrow... so... hard... to ... wait....!!!
  3. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Such a pretty chick... congrats!!
  4. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I don't think a chick that died would start to smell that quickly... it might be a different egg. I would definitely want to give the pipped egg a chance to hatch if possible. Of course, if you could figure out which egg is the stinker it would be good to remove it, but it is hard to say...
  5. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Super cute babies!!! So fluffy I forgot what kind of chicks they are...? He might be right about the ducks... they are a scene! Super messy... super poopy... but still adorable! My Muscovy duck is laying eggs again... I can't take them or she'll go hide a nest somewhere. She is the...
  6. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I am glad it helped... I was surprised at how quickly I recovered after loosing my first ducks... I had this strong feeling that the love I had for them didn't die just because my ducks didn't make it. It was like something beautiful was created and lived on even though they didn't hatch (a...
  7. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I am sorry you lost your chick... I understand the discouragement! For my first hatch I followed the directions I found online and after 28 days, none of my duck eggs hatched. It was tragic at the time. It is hard when the learning curve takes tiny little lives, but I really believe...
  8. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Hang in there... I bet they are working on it : )
  9. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    So happy your eggs are hatching!! Can't wait to see them!
  10. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Yay, little chicks!! So adorable
  11. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    How's this baby doing today?
  12. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Wow, early babies! Happy for you! Can't wait to see the rest
  13. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    They often pip and then don't do anything for 12 hours or so.... then when they are ready... they will unzip!
  14. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    That is wonderful... keep us posted : ) Humidity will go up as they pip and hatch.
  15. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    It is so hard to wait, I know!! You are on day 21? If they were my eggs I would probably open the lid and stick a flashlight on a couple to check in and see if I had any internal pips yet... If no one has pipped externally it won't hurt anything (though for me personally, opening the bator...
  16. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    he he he.. it's true... once you start, it is hard to stop! I got my 6th egg yesterday so in the bator they went! Got another egg today so three days in a row... not bad for a tiny Serama hen! My last egg of the staggered hatch looks like a late quitter... I am happy with my four and there...
  17. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    I had a 106 temp spike once... found it when I woke up so I had no idea how long it had been that high... eggs were fine... In my hatcher, humidity definitely affects temp and makes it go UP!!! Still trying to figure it out... my incubator is bigger and doesn't seem to have the same...
  18. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    If your temp was a little low... depending on which thermometer was right... they may just take a little longer! Hang in there!!
  19. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    You can do what you want... many people hatch upright, especially if they have shipped eggs and/or have incubated upright. I incubate eggs on their side unless they have wierd air cells and so I hatch eggs on their side.
  20. darkbluespace

    August Hatch-A-Long

    Glad you are not stressing over it... it does seem like once you've got something figured out... something different will pop up! Three chicks in the brooder doing great and then I lost one in the egg last night... he pipped the wrong end... 5/5 were all malpositioned so I am happy I saved 4...
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