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  1. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    I am still having upload issues, but here are some of the birdies at 3 weeks.
  2. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    Okay, enough about slime!!! Back to cuteness!! 3 weeks! (give or take) Well, guess not. BYC won't upload my pic! I hate computer 'upgrades'.
  3. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    Yes, hahaha, male geese.
  4. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    I am not sure how many miles I walked backward to and from school but I figured out that they would not attack me if I just kept looking at them, but the second my back was turned, one or two of them (the males I am sure) would make a run at me.
  5. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    When I was a kid, my folks got geese to go on our pond. Now, picture in your mind: ahouse ona small hill pond below concrete drive way beside the pond takes you from the house to the main road and did I mention that my school was across the street? Iran the s goose gauntlet to and from school...
  6. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    Banty cochin's flanking the duck and a banty buttercup behind. I am hoping the one close to the foot is not a boy. It was my early bird, popped out a day early and I swear it had a comb while it was still wet. It's now 3 weeks old.
  7. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    I so need my computer fixed so I can take/post some good pics. I will try to upload some from my phone later so everyone can see the fuzzzy butts. Maybe it will aid Alaskan in the banty drool department.
  8. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    Since I don't hatch frequently, the cardboard boxes are easily disposed of once we are done. If I did it on a regular basis, I would make a perminate one. Sorry about the baby. I would never have thought about doing that but I think it is a good way. I too hate the dispatching part.
  9. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    Awsome instructions Meep! How are everyones chickies getting along? Mine are growing so fast, esp. The ducklings. I will be expanding the brooder this weekend, hopefully, if the locl furnature store has a box for me. :-)
  10. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    Argggg!! My emoticons are missing.. (imagine a thumbs up!)
  11. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    Ahhhh! The truth is revealed! I knew there was something fishy when you were talking about how "easy" it is to build your own. Easy for an EE! Maybe you just need to start building and selling your design for those of us with no tech skills.;);)
  12. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    The ones I used are borrowed, styrofam, with turners, no fans. I really like the turners. With work and kids I am afraid I would forget. I think that the more you use whichever you get, and get to know it, your hatches are better. If you qre as unscientific as I am, it doesn't much matter. :-)
  13. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    Yeah! More fluffy butts! I had the frizzle figuted out. Wasn't sure on the others. I love Mille Fleur coloring. More hatching!
  14. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    Yeah for babies anyway! I think the button she was talking about is the emoticon buttons. Yes, calichick, do tell, what type of chicks?
  15. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    The striped are phoenix, yellow with spotted heads buttercups, black are cochin or a spanish. If you look close there is a second duckling now. I had two other breeds at 25% and 70%. Add that to your chicken math.
  16. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    @ Teachick, so sorry. Back to the earlier discussion on hatch rate. I figured an overall of 45%. Phoenix @ 75% and Spanish @ 17%, others in between.
  17. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    Glad Ethel made it home. Hope you find the nest. On a sad note, I found my little runt chick dead this morning. I had noticed a couple days go it seemed to have a distended vent. I had soaked it, massaged it (I thought maybe it was impacted), made sure the vent looked to be working, but I...
  18. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    Deluthralpe love your math. Teachick - yeah. Meebeep, cuties!
  19. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    Got to love statistics! That is the one thing that I learned is that you can tweek stats to say most anything. Overall I had about 20% but none of the eggs were mine, most were free, and the fertility rate on some was fery bad so I need to calculate from the viable/fertile eggs.
  20. Puddin Fluff

    Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

    My hatch rate overall was pretty dismal, I need to sit and figure it out. I always wonder if you should count from the beginning, every egg you set, or should you count after 7 day candle when you take out the unfertile eggs? That makes a better htch rate.
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