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  1. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    I don't feed layer rations at all. I use a starter or grower and offer crushed oyster shell on the side. My chicken's eggshells are thick and smooth.
  2. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    okay, so where are these online sources? Individual studies? Are you saying that you asked people questions and they answered you? I'm really actually very confused by your whole post, it is very hard to follow. But I do not believe you can come on the forum and make claims like this without...
  3. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    so, in practicality, it is increasing the amount of protein the animal is receiving even if it is not increasing the protein. So animals fed the fermented food would receive more benefit and use of protein versus those fed plain. Not disagreeing with you, just saying I understand why someone...
  4. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    If you have any male birds, you shouldn't only be feeding layer. If you need to feed layer, then you need an all-laying flock. I mean, you don't HAVE to just as with everything else. People are entitled to make mistakes if they wish.
  5. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    it takes years for the damage to become evident, but it doesn't take long for damage to happen.
  6. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    This is simply not true, if you go back just a page or two, you'll see.
  7. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    it doesn't quite everything because it removes the nested quotes, but if you click on the little arrow next to Chris's name, where I quoted him, it'll take to his post.
  8. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    I know many vets who also push certain prescription diets that in my opinion are almost as bad as feeding your animal poison. But that's beside the point. The renal damage caused can be fast acting or be a slow and painful process for the chicken. Just because animals survive it doesn't mean...
  9. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    I use flock raiser for everyone and provide free choice crushed oyster shell. I also ferment my feed.
  10. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    this is not true AT ALL. here's what the bag of medicated feed says regarding using the low dose of Amprolium in medicated feed and as it pertains to immunity. You have to click the photo to read it. At such a low dosage, it is intended to prevent the coccidia from overwhelming the system of...
  11. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    My feed stores don't carry unmedicated starter either. I've since switched to flock raiser. If you have males in your flock, you should not feed them a layer feed at all because then the boys are forced to consume too much calcium than is appropriate for their systems. You can normally find...
  12. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    I'm pretty sure it's due to our handling of the whole "mad cow" issue.
  13. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    Uh--in the United States, it is illegal to put growth hormones in poultry feed. What are you guys talking about? yeah, super confused.
  14. subhanalah

    When is it time to switch to layer feed?

    Use flock raiser for everyone and offer crushed oyster she'll on the side if you have any female chickens over 16 weeks of age in your flock.
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