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  1. Sill

    Non-GMO quail feed

    I've never heard of it, but it sounds a lot like water kefir which I've made in the past. My biggest coturnix are just under 300g, that is my second generation. They are bigger than the birds I started with which were only 240g. The egg sizes have also gone up. It will be interesting to see...
  2. Sill

    Non-GMO quail feed

    Where do you get EM water or do you make it? I've not calculated my feed savings. Of course I have many more quail now than when I started feeding fermented! I want a bigger meat bird. Bigger eggs are nice too, but the larger carcass will be nice. I've read through the Tatanka thread. I'm...
  3. Sill

    Non-GMO quail feed

    What's EM water?
  4. Sill

    Non-GMO quail feed

    I've given and they have liked to various degrees kale, collard, duck weed, turnip tops, moringa, mulberry & grape leaves, clipped grass, spinach, finely shredded carrots and carrot tops, radish tops, broccoli leaves and flowers, dandelion, escarole, endive, fennel, basil, maybe others I can't...
  5. Sill

    Non-GMO quail feed

    I had the same sort of experience. It was a bit frustrating and I hate to waste good seed. I ended up throwing it in the compost pile. I just found this thread so will be there reading what others have done. I'm on a...
  6. Sill

    Non-GMO quail feed

    I've been wanting to try sprouting, even bought some organic red winter wheat to sprout but I don't have a clue on how to do it. Of course I want to do it safely to avoid growing mold. What set up are you using?
  7. Sill

    Non-GMO quail feed

    Green is OK but make sure you give the youngest leaves, they taste better fresh. Older leaves I dry and the flavor is milder. Moringa can be an acquired taste for some birds. Some will like it and some will just pick at the green leaves for something to do. They tend to eat the powdered leaves...
  8. Sill

    Non-GMO quail feed

    I forgot to add that when you cook the BSFs they must be good and dry or they will crawl out of the pan into the oven. Use a pan with sides not a flat cookie sheet. It also helps if you pre-heat the pan first, it kills them faster so they don't have as much time to try to escape. I bet it will...
  9. Sill

    Non-GMO quail feed

    They are too big to feed live for quail! I wash and dry them then cook them on low in a toaster oven I got at the local thrift store for the purpose. I don't want them in my kitchen oven where I make food for my family! I'm not sure about the temperature of the toaster oven, it just has low...
  10. Sill

    Non-GMO quail feed

    Tempe Feed and Tack has non GMO and non GMO organic as well as standard feeds. They are on University between Priest and Mill. I don't remember the protein levels.I haven't fed the non GMO lately because I've been using the organic co-op feed by Big Sky. You can call them and they will let you...
  11. Sill

    Non-GMO quail feed

    All natural does not mean it is non GMO! If they did not include GMOs they would proudly say so on their label. Organic food and feed is always non GMO. I prefer to feed organic. I am lucky to also have a non GMO but conventionally grown option locally, but prefer full organic. I do grow...
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