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  1. Dee Ann

    How old was the oldest egg you've ever cooked?

    That is the standard set by the USDA. You can view it on their website. If you choose to get your Candling /grading license this is the protocol you have to follow.
  2. Dee Ann

    How old was the oldest egg you've ever cooked?

    The USDA set the standard at 45 days from laying for refrigerated eggs. It is recommended that you refrigerate @ 45°as soon as possible after wash dirty eggs and drying. Only leave out eggs for hatching. shelf life for eggs left out is very short.
  3. Dee Ann

    How old was the oldest egg you've ever cooked?

    I am a USDA certified Candler and grader. Here is what you need to know. Eggs have a 45 day shelf life from day of hatch. To test the age of an egg put in a pan of water. If the egg sits on the bottom it is fresh the more it floats the older the egg.
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